Author: Mr. Adminstein

  • Paul Rogers Bio

    1905-1990 Started tattooing in 1928 in North Carolina. Sailor Jerry was influenced by and talked a lot about Paul Rogers. -June 13, 1972.  “[Paul Rodgers] meticulously copied Coleman designs one by one until he had mastered the style as near as possible.  Today he is the damned best Coleman stylist in the game, although Spaulding…

  • Owen Jensen Bio

    Owen Jensen Bio

    1880’s-1976 Owen Jensen started out as a railroad machinist. First tattooed in Detroit. Came to Southern California in 1925 and set up a tattoo supply business.  He offered a full line of equipment including approximately 4 different styles of machines, all cast in bronze with silver tipped springs and contact screws.  $5 each, 2 for $9, six for…

  • Milton Zeis Bio

    Milton Zeis Bio

    Ralph Johnson (d.1962), a tattooist and banner painter, drew flash for the Milton Zeis catalog in Chicago in the 1950’s. Zeis had a thriving mail-order tattoo supply business which sold machines and design sheets He advertised in popular mechanics. In a 1947 publication, Zeis estimated that, “there are from 50,000 to 60,000 different tattoo designs.”…

  • William Dampier and His Painted Prince

    William Dampier and His Painted Prince

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A NEW VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD Written by BY William Dampier in 1697 Prefice (2015) The following articles contain excerpts from A NEW VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD written by BY William Dampier in 1697. William Dampier set sail in 1679. He associated with buccaneers but was not likely a true “pirate” in any full sense of the word. He brought back…

  • Charlie Wagner Bio

    Charlie Wagner is an early American tattoo artist.

  • August “Cap” Coleman Bio

    Augustus Coleman 1884-1973 Opened in Norfolk Virginia after WWI until 1950 His bold, quick style set the standard for much of traditional American tattooing. He originated countless classic designs. -Sailor Jerry Dec 19, 1970.  “Frankie Martin taught Harry Lawson taught Coleman how to set up machines and lay solid black.”

  • Sailor Jerry Flash Sheet

    Sailor Jerry Flash Sheet

    This sheet of flash is likely an earlier rendition of a sheet he redrew later.

  • Norman Keith Collins (Sailor Jerry) Bio

    Norman Keith Collins (Sailor Jerry) Bio

    1911-1973 Traveled as a merchant seaman and worked in shipyards. Tattooed in Chicago Moved to Honolulu in the 1930’s Sailor Jerry did some of the best tattooing of his generation.  Urban legend sways many today think he invented the old school design aesthetic.  The truth is he was continuing a tradition, and represented the style’s…

  • Sailor Jerry Needles

    Sailor Jerry Needles

    Jan 16 1971.  “…the only shade I ever use on roses is on the tiny interior corners… 7 needle line with center needle pulled back to make a hollow six…  Now that I’m magging the black and color with a long soft stroke, I don’t worry about the competition.” April (May?)3, 1971.  “Got a single…