Category: Builders

  • Model #6

    The Model #6 was available in a dipped (crinkle) finish with nickel trim for $4.50 in the 1930’s.  Later, a chrome plated version sold for $5.00. From 1930’s Catalog, “Is to my idea the best of them all-smooth running with plenty of power, easy to adjust or change any part.  Best tubes, complete, connecting cord…

  • Coleman Prefab

    Coleman Prefab

    This early prefab outliner was pinned and welded by “Cap” Coleman.

  • Perfection


    From Jensen Flyer, “Heavy duty tattoo machine.  This is truly the world’s finest tattooing instrument.  I have put my 32 years of tattooing experience into this machine.  It has perfect balance and is the “BEST.”  A really heavy duty machine, made by myself, as are all of my machines, and of the finest material; very…

  • Reliabable


    From a Jensen flyer, “This machine is medium weight and very nicely balanced.  The frame is made of Nickel Bronze, very highly polished, and does not tarnish.  Lots of professionals use these machines and are very well pleased with them.  Equipped with hookup for spring-clip cord.  Has pure silver contacts.  Price of this machine is…

  • Special




    With a chrome finish and the “latest” spring-clip cord hookup, this machine was considered modern in its day. From a 1940’s Jensen flyer, “This is no doubt the finest tattooing machine on the market today at this price.  This machine is made of the finest material, frame is made of bronze casting nicely chrome plated.…

  • Electro-Engraving and Marking Model

    Electro-Engraving and Marking Model

    The light weight of the Bakelite plastic side-plate on this model made this machine easier to manage for the hobbyist.  It sold, with a cord, for $12.50.  A diamond tip needle bar, used fro engraving, could be purchased for $4.50. From the Zeis catalog, “Engraves on all jewelry, designs glass, writes on iron and steel tools,…

  • Zeiss Malleable Model (ZM #8)

    Zeiss Malleable Model (ZM #8)

    The tattoo business sometimes referred to this design as the “square top”.  Over the years it sold for $20-$29. From the Zeiss catalog:  “This machine is styled after the late Percy Waters favorite malleable tattoo machine, and is set up in the same way as our other two machines.  Coils are hand wound with #24…

  • Zeiss Special Model (SZ #6)

    Zeiss Special Model (SZ #6)

    Zeis made 1500 of these.  The machines were were sold from 1941-1966.  They were built during wartime, which may explain the lack of metal.  Bill Jones is credited as having an earlier similar type machine. From the Zeiss catalog…  “All metal parts are rust proof.  The housing of frame is made of bakelite.  All parts…

  • Samuel O’Reilly Bio

    1875.  Samuel F. O’Reilly opened shop in Chatham square in the Bowery of NYC. Trained Ed Smith and Charlie Wagner. Filed the first american patent for an electric tattoo machine around 1890.  Patterned after a rotary machine which made a series of rapid holes in sewing stencils.